Skit for Youth Groups: “Alcohol Doesn’t”

Skit for Youth Groups: “Alcohol Doesn’t”

2 teen drinkers try to show a non-drinker what alcohol can do for a person, but the non-drinker exposes alcohol for what it really is: A chemical
substance that alters the body’s natural functions resulting in abuse or addiction.

To expose the myths about alcohol that we are bombarded with from the media, our peers, and sometimes our friends and family.

Ideal Audience:
Middle/High School

•1 Non-drinker
•2 drinkers (Drinker1 & Drinker2)

Props Needed:
• 3 chairs
• 1 magazine
• 2 beer cans

Non-drinker sits on side of the stage, flipping through a magazine. On the other side, Drinker1 & Drinker2 sit drinking their beer.
Drinker1 looks over and seems to notice Non-Drinker, nudges Drinker2 and laughingly points at Non-drinker. Drinker2 pantomimes laughter, then smugly points to herself, puts down her beer, and struts over to Non-Drinker. Drinker2 then breaks into a wild dance.

Alcohol doesn’t make you a good dancer.

Drinker2 stops dancing, looks confused, goes back to her seat and picks up her beer. Drinker1 is laughing at her. He then smugly, puts down his beer, and
struts over to Non-Drinker. He begins to pose like a body-builder, while acting macho.

Alcohol doesn’t make you macho.

Drinker1 looks surprised, shrugs it off, and goes back to his seat. Drinker2 is laughing at him and pantomimes that she will try again. She goes over to
Non-Drinker and poses with her hand on her hip while she fluffs her hair.

Alcohol doesn’t make you beautiful.

Drinker2 drops her arms and looks at Non-Drinker angrily. She goes back to her seat.
Drinker1 is laughing so hard that he almost falls out of this chair. Drinker2 grabs her beer, takes a swig, and looks away.

Drinker 1 taps FD’s shoulder. Hands her his beer, points at himself, winks at Drinker2 and swaggers over to Non-Drinker. He suddenly kneels beside Non-Drinker, takes her hand as if he is going to kiss it. She snatches her hand away.

Alcohol doesn’t make you romantic.

Drinker1 looks rejected and returns to his seat. Drinker2 is laughing at him and hands him his beer. They both gulp some down. Non-Drinker looks over at them and shakes her head. She puts down her magazine and walks over to them.

Face it guys, all alcohol really does…is make you drunk and foolish!

As she leans towards them, they both lean back away from her, get off balance and fall backwards off their chairs, and just lay sprawled on the floor.  Everyone freezes.